Sunday, 7 June 2009

A daytrip to Paradise

On Saturday we drove to Trysil to spend the day with Arild and May Sissel at their cabin in Trysil. It's situated idyllically by thr river, in a forest ( with carpets of blueberries and other yummy berries) right by a mountain with little patches of snow on it. That's why they call it Paradise. When we arrived Arild and his son-in-law Tor were in the middle of building a veranda. Reidar joined in, and we were able to eat our barbecue sitting on it. Arild's daughter Mari stayed indoors with little Ada Elise is exactly four weeks old, and obviously the centre of attention.


  1. Why am I not surprised that Daddy got right in on the building action? :)

  2. This looks amazing! I am sad I am currently in Provodise instead of Paradise with you!

  3. Poor Caren! Remember what Snoopy says:-
    Home is where the supperdish is - whatever that means...

  4. Så koselig å lese om Paradiset. Det var en riktig hyggelig helg! Mays
