Friday, 22 April 2011

Jeremy is getting better

Jeremy and I took a bit of a risk recently. We had planned a trip to England to go to my niece Susie's wedding party. Jeremy's "incident" threatened to scupper our plans, but we decided to take a chance. So off we went, with me managing the luggage, and Jeremy nursing two broken shoulders which could dislocate at any moment. He did have a certain amount of pain, and he did get tired, but all in all we both had a great time. Thanks to the willingness and kindness of my lovely family we were able to get around and see everyone and everything we wanted. It was great to see my mother (98 in October!!) looking so alert and content, and to see all my relations apart from one brother-in-law and two nephews. The weather was positively summery, the spring flowers were at their best and St Ives was as lovely as ever. You can fill it with tacky tourist shops and tacky tourists ( the Cornish people's bread and butter) but you can't spoil its magic.
When we got back Jeremy got new x-rays taken of his shoulders and back. His back damage is only muscular, and his shoulders are almost healed! So now he can start physiotherapy, and start getting back his strength again.

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